You know that I have a cup (LARGE) of hot chocolate every morning, right? With whole wheat toast and peanut butter or a whole wheat english muffin?
EVERY single morning.
So, have you seen the mug rugs EVERYWHERE in blog land?

I had a bunch of CUTE fall scraps from a failed project last year and when I saw these I knew what to do! First, I just made one for Rachel. Then, I admit, I got a little carried away and started thinking of people who would also enjoy one.
Perfect size for a mug and a muffin or cookie (or three).
Mine are about 6"x9". I think I'm in love. I HATE hand binding. I am so over that. I am not doing it again! (But I did watch the whole season of Sister Wives while doing it.) I'm going back to the cheater way of machine binding. SO much easier on the fingertips!
Hmmm mine must have gotten lost in the mail. Since I am the one who bought you your replacement CocoaMotion... I would have expected one coming my way.