Except they couldn't. Turns out girls (and women) grow.
Yesterday I had to sew three dresses and two sashes, AND paint Rachel's skirt. I stayed up until 2:30 on Tuesday night, then got up at 07:00 on Wednesday (yesterday) and sewed all day.

This is how I painted the fabric for Rachel's skirt. These squares are eight inches and I painted THIRTY of them!!! That is SIX YARDS! Now I have to wait for it to cure and then sew it into a skirt that looks somthing like this: and I have to sew Rachel a sash too.

Three dresses that I had to make this week are like these orange and red ones (top for the orange, bottom for the red behind Rachel). They all have to be fitted to the person wearing them. They take just about 4 - 5 hours to sew. The other one was a blue mu'umu'u like shown in the top picture. (And I think I sewed nearly every costume (except the ugly or wrongly made ones) in these pictures, by the way.)